7 Wholesome Strategies to Overcome Doubts in Your Faith.

A Practical Guide for New Believers to Draw Closer to Her Heavenly Designer

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How to overcome doubts in your faith

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Are you bold in your faith?  Do you find yourself wrestling to unashamedly declare your devotion to Christ? Have doubts ever clouded your thoughts, causing you to question the truth of the gospel and the presence of our Lord & Savior? As a Christian woman, I must confess I've grappled with these very questions.

In this blog post, I'm excited to unveil seven invaluable strategies that I employ to combat nagging doubts regarding my Lord during my moments of weakness. These powerful tips have made my faith stronger, and I can't wait to share them with you. I'll be covering:

  1. My personal struggle to embrace the gospel wholeheartedly.

  2. What is the gospel?

  3. Reflecting on the profound question: Why do you believe in Christ?

  4. Unveiling the 7 powerful strategies to take immediately to overcome doubts in your faith.

So, dear sisters, if you sometimes find yourself wrestling with doubts about the existence and goodness of God, the reality of Jesus and His sacrificial death, or the promise of everlasting life in perfect harmony with God, rest assured you are at the right place. I'm confident that after you finish reading this blog and complete the accompanied worksheet, your faith in God will emerge stronger and more unshakable than ever before. Let’s get started.

My personal struggle to embrace the gospel wholeheartedly.

It was around 7:00 am on May 18, 2021, when I gave my life to the Lord. This moment was truly the best time of my life. Before that day, Christianity and the gospel held no interest to me. I saw it as a fabricated cult, a tool used by the white man to control and brainwash blacks into docility and bondage. Growing up in a culture practicing Rastafarianism, I was raised to strongly oppose Jesus Christ.


At age 21, my life hit a low point. My home became a toxic and unbearable space to live in. I started to question the values of Rastafarianism. I thought to myself, “Is this what Rastafaranism is all aboutWhere is the order, goodness, and light? All that I was experiencing at home was darkness, division, and enmity. I couldn’t turn to my parents, relatives, or their faith for truth, wisdom, and love. So, my once anti-Christ heart softened to the possibility of a different god, the Christian God, that I later came to embrace as the Only true God.

It didn't take much time for my battered-down spirit to feel alive and hopeful again as I felt Christ’s whispers of soothing words to my soul. Words that sounded like, “Draw near to me, and I'll give you rest,” “You are loved,” “You are special,” and “You are chosen."

After Christ adopted me into His royal family, I still grappled with uncertainty, and I was somewhat embarrassed about my new life in Christ.

However, I didn’t come to Christianity just to have a lukewarm faith that has little to no impact on others’ lives.

I wanted to go all in for my Lord—serving Him fervently, confidently, and unashamedly. Recognizing my spiritual immaturity via the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, I became steadfast in overcoming these insecurities and doubts through three main actions:

1. Praying for wisdom and God's presence.

2. Reading God’s words

3. Delving into biblically sound books.

Thankfully, God answered my prayers, imparting within me timeless wisdom & experiences so that I may come to know Him intimately.


You see my friends, in order for me to share the gospel, serve women and create awesome freebies like the one you’re about to download, God required my full and unwavering trust. I am a believer for three years as of this post, and I can joyfully say I am a bolder and more rooted child of God.

I am no longer afraid to proclaim to the ends of the Earth that, “I, Ashaki Dixon, a daughter of the King.”

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What really is the gospel?


In his insightful bible commentary, Evans beautifully defines the gospel as, "the good news of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ for the salvation of mankind.” This encompasses the profound truth that

  • Sin has separated people from a relationship with God.

  • The good news is that God has provided the means by which sinful people can be brought into fellowship with God through faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross.

  • Christ’s death satisfied the wrath of a holy God so that forgiveness for sin and eternal life can be freely offered to all who believe in Him for it" (Rom 1:15-16; 1 Cor 15:1-4; Eph 1:12-13; 1 Tim 1:8-15) (16).”

Now, let's delve into a crucial question: Why do you, or should you, believe in the gospel? It’s difficult to have the utmost confidence in your Designer and follow His truth if you don’t know the 'why' to believe. Remember that 1 Peter 3:15 encourages us to always be ready to explain the reason for the hope we have to anyone who asks. Here’s why I believe in my Lord.

 Why do you believe in Jesus?

  1. Experiential encounters:

I believe in the gospel because I've experienced God’s presence. I felt His presence when He saved me out of darkness and chaos. I felt His presence through His providence, divine protection, and favor. Initially (moments before coming to Christ), I had no idea what ‘God’s presence’ was but I knew this divine reality was comforting and true. To this day, I continue to feel God's watchful eyes upon me and hear His gentle whispers affirming that I belong, I am seen, I am chosen, and I am loved."

 2. Spiritual fulfillment:

I believe in the gospel because choosing to place my full trust in my Maker’s will and promises satisfies my spiritual longings. Before coming to Christ, I sensed emptiness, like something purposeful, sovereign, bigger than you and I, was missing from my life. A thirst that I now know that only Christ can quench. 

No amount of luxury clothes, fame, attention, accomplishments, or relationships can come close to the lifetime and eternal satisfaction that flow from trusting & submitting to Christ.

 3. Transformative Power:

I believe in the gospel because it has and continues to transform my life positively. Before I knew my Maker, I was, without realizing it at that time, a lost sheep. I thought I knew myself but I didn’t know myself. I thought I knew my way but I didn’t truly know where I was going. I thought I knew truth when all along I was embracing lies. However, as I began to align my life and sexuality with the teachings of God, I gradually broke away from the devil’s schemes, habitual sins, and lies told by the world.

My identity is transformed and redefined for God’s glory. Because of the gospel, I am whole. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, I am free.

4. Evidential Conviction:

I believe in the gospel because nothing else makes sense (no Big Bang theory, evolution, Hinduism, Rastafarianism, astrological gods, atheism, etc). Though there is irrefutable historical & scientific proof of God’s creation, Christ’s life, death, and resurrection, it’s no substitute for my faith, which is the sole means of our salvation.

Now it’s your time. Why do you believe in Jesus? Write down your thoughts in our free guided worksheet. Ultimately, the decision to believe in the gospel is personal, influenced by a combination of factors unique to each individual.

Having shared a brief snippet of my testimony, defined the gospel, and explained four reasons why I believe in the Christian faith, let’s explore 7 powerful strategies to overcome nagging spiritual doubts that may arise in our moments of weakness.

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7 Powerful Strategies to Overcome Doubts in Your Faith

1. Prayer

What better way to tackle and defeat your doubts in God than crying out to Jesus? In the book of Jeremiah, our Lord encourages all believers to call upon him:

"Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.' (Jer 33:3) . Let this mighty verse remind you that

when you reach out to God in prayers, sharing with Him your struggles to fully believe in His existence and message, He will respond in wonderful ways beyond your expectations.

Undoubtedly, one remarkable blessing of nurturing a personal connection with God and maintaining an active prayer life is that as Christians, we gain access to divine wisdom and insights that we could not discover on our own.

 Philippians 4 also reinforces the potency of prayer in dispelling doubts about the gospel:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." (Phil 4:6-7)

This comforting verse offers a practical solution to combat doubts, simply by initiating meaningful conversations with God. Rather than allowing doubts to fester, be encouraged to bring your concerns, questions, and doubts before God. When you cry out to Him, rest assured that

He will safeguard your heart and mind. Our Lord’s peace will provide assurance and calm that only comes when we surrender and fully trust Him with all our mind, body, and soul.

Download your free worksheet and let it serve as a valuable resource in your faith.


2. Immerse Yourself in Scriptures

Another powerful strategy to combat doubts about the gospel is to fully immerse yourself in the authoritative, flawless, and sufficient words of God.  As God’s daughters, we should truly embrace and believe that God’s words are the ultimate authority for all matters of our lives (2 Tim 3:16-17). By immersing yourself in the scriptures, you gain profound insights into God's attributes, will, the redemptive work of Jesus, the promises of salvation, and many more spiritual gems.

Furthermore, reading the Bible goes beyond merely acquiring knowledge;

it’s a way to discern God's voice and align your thoughts and ways with His truth.

King David knew this well when he declared to God, "Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Ps 119:105).

The imagery of a lamp and light conveys guidance amid darkness. Doubts about our Savior is a form of spiritual darkness, and the most effective way that new believers can overcome this darkness is by actively growing in fellowship with God via reading scriptures. Just like King David found God's words as a trustworthy guide for his life, you too can allow scriptures to illuminate and redefine your life.

 03: Worship & Exalt God

The peace that flows from worshiping and exalting our Maker cannot be undermined. When facing doubts and uncertainties about God’s promises and truth, take the time to praise Him. Psalm 145:3 emerges as a powerful beacon of His greatness.

"Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom" (Psalms 145:3).

 Read that verse again.

I want you to picture yourself standing before the vastness of an ocean. Can you tell where this ocean ends and begin? It’s hard, right? Similarly, the psalmist invites us to contemplate the incomprehensible and immeasurable greatness of our Lord.

As a new believer, when you make time to worship and exalt your Savior, you descend to a state of humility and surrender.

When we acknowledge and surrender to God's majesty and power, two invaluable things unfold:

1. You acknowledge and accept your limitation on knowing everything about an infinite God (Isaiah 55:8-9)

2. Your doubts gradually replace as you place your full trust in The Great Almighty (Isaiah 26:3-4)

In essence, worship becomes a potent antidote to doubt, creating an atmosphere where you can experience the transformative power of God and find reassurance in your faith journey.

But how do you properly worship and exalt The Designer? Download your free workbook guide to learn how to transform doubts into devotion in the comfort of your home.

Transform Your Doubts Into Devotion

4. Study Christian Apologetics

While faith in Christ is the only means to salvation (Eph 2:8-9, Rom 3:22-24), it would be exceptional for all believers to know four things:

  1. What we believe (Rom 1:16, John 3:16)

  2. Why we believe (Hebrews 11:6)

  3. Ability to provide answers to those who ask (1 Pet. 3:15)

  4. Capability to demolish arguments against the faith (2 Cor. 10:4-5)

For new believers grappling with spiritual doubts, delving into Christian apologetics is a valuable tool to help deepen your understanding and trust in Jesus.

As mentioned earlier, the study of Christian apologetics provided the rational, intellectual, and historical conviction for believing in Christ. Engaging in these studies might reveal that it takes more faith to deny the existence of God. This is because the overwhelming evidence supporting Jesus/God's existence surpasses that of other proclaimed deities.

1 Peter emphasizes,

"But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." (1 Peter 3:15).

As seen in this verse, faith and reason are not mutually exclusive. It’s okay and recommended to have both faith and reason. In reality, integrating both faith and reason will help you build a sturdy foundation for your convictions in Christ.

So, my friend, grab a cup of coffee (or, if you're like me, a cup of green juice) and begin reading Christian apologetics. Two of my recent enjoyable reads include "You Don't Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist" and Beyond Roots II (recommended for blacks to acknowledge and understand their biblical presence and inclusion in God’s Kingdom agenda).


~~~Thank you for reaching so far in this article. We're almost done. Just 3 more doubts-attacking tools to go.

5. Seek Wise Counsel

Let's keep it real! Starting your spiritual journey as a new believer can be daunting.

The great news is you're not going through it alone. Many experienced Christians, who once felt the same way you do, have matured in their faith and are ready to help you fully embrace the gospel.

A mature Christian should be able to answer several of your questions and give you a deeper understanding of the faith. Look around for someone of faith, a friend, relative, pastor, colleague, or whoever embodies spiritual maturity and Christ-likeness, and reach out to them for support. In this carefully crafted workbook, I've dedicated a chapter to help you identify a wise Christian mentor.

6. Community & Fellowship

Ever heard the saying, "As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another" It’s coming from the books of Proverbs which reminds us of the mutual benefit and growth that meaningful connections with others can bring. I encourage you to tackle your doubts, questions, and concerns about God, and the gospel NOT alone, but together. If you haven't already, think about joining a solid and sound church and becoming part of their study groups.

Moreover, in Acts 2:42-47, we see the early Christian community sharing their lives, breaking bread together, and supporting one another. Therefore, as a new member of Christ, you can find strength in shared stories. Remember, you’re not alone in this wonderful journey.

 7. Remember Your Testimony

Lastly, another powerful strategy (one I use frequently) to conquer moments of doubt in God is to remember your testimony.

What led you to Jesus? What circumstances and experiences brought you to the Lord? Reflect on the times you felt God's presence in your life.

Write down these answers and revisit them whenever you need a reminder of how and when God entered your life, freeing you from eternal death.

I greatly admire how Revelation 12:11 and Psalms 77: 11-12 wonderfully capture the importance of personal testimonies. It states that believers overcome challenges by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimonies.

 “And they have conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death." (Revelation 12:11).

"I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. I will ponder all your work, and meditate on your mighty deeds." (Psalm 77:11-12)

Yes! We should all remember what God has done and promises to do in our lives. Your testimony is POWERFUL. Therefore don’t be afraid to revisit your stories whenever you sense you’re losing faith and confidence in God.



Once I applied these 7 powerful strategies to overcome doubts about God. I began to

  • gain clarity on why I was struggling to believe wholeheartedly in the gospel, and the goodness of my Lord.

  • understand God more, including His remarkable character, will, and promises for my life, both here and later.

  • Recognize and embrace His Sovereign presence in all the affairs of my life. 

In essence, my doubts and worries were gradually replaced with an unwavering trust and devotion to God.

I want this for you too! If you’re ready to overcome your doubts about the gospel once and for all and draw closer to Christ. I urge you to grab a copy of our free workbook. This guide is a well-needed tool to support you on your walk with Christ. 

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(written with love & anticipation)



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